iStock_000013731000XSmallIntervention- Not Just for Families!

One way to employ leverage is in combination with the power of consensus: A “mini-intervention.” Involving the therapeutic team adds strength to the message and can speed the accomplishment of important goals. Intervention-style teamwork at key points can help keep an important discussion on track, reinforce a difficult message, counter manipulation, and improve the chances for productive discussion.

The goal is to help a “stuck” client beyond the inertia and resistance that will ensure yet another failure:

Image of the .pdf document "Using Leverage in Counseling the Court-Referred Client, Part 7"


Thanx, Lisa, glad you liked it. Treating coerced clients really is a different world from the self-referred.

Comment by C. Scott McMillin — January 22, 2013 @ 10:17 am

Thank you for this series. I particularly enjoyed Part 5 on “Maintaining Motivation.” So often my clients aren’t sure what motivates them. Most of us (me included) programmed motivation through fear. I would wait for the fear to kick in before I got moving. It took me a long while to learn that motivation will evolve from a genuine desire. I like how you described the process “for external motivation to become internal.” This is where I see the lights go on every time. BTW: I have committed to getting to know your site better, so I’ll be hanging around this year. It has already proven a useful resource. Thank you. Lisa

Comment by Lisa Neumann — January 22, 2013 @ 10:09 am

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