The Price Shopper

November 6, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

A government or insurance buyer needs to make certain that a provider offers a particular service and meets particular standards of performance. They won’t necessarily require you to exceed those standards, or provide extras. They understand that we get what we pay for.

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Success in the Marketplace

November 5, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

Addiction treatment is never just a business. It’s a public trust. Our goal must be to fulfill that trust by providing the very best service we can to the people who need it. That doesn’t mean we can’t do very well from a business perspective.

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Why Some Programs Succeed: A Marketing Approach

November 4, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

Even among programs with a fine clinical program, dedicated staff, good administration, some are more successful at attracting customers than others. Marketing offers a key to understanding why.

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Stigma: Overcoming the Effects

October 4, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

I recall someone telling me he could be patient as long as he knew that eventually he’d get what he wanted. Well, it’s easy to be patient then. The trick is to have patience when you don’t know the outcome.

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Stigma Makes People Feel Inferior

October 3, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

Here we arrive at the core of stigma: the alleged inferiority of the person with alcoholism based on weakness of will. But alcoholic people aren’t weak-willed; if they were, it would be much easier to convince them to seek help.

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Stigma Keeps People From Seeking Help

October 2, 2011 by C. Scott McMillin

Alcoholism is stigmatized. So is drug addiction. So is mental illness. And that’s an important obstacle to recovery.

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