Public Policy
Secretary for Drug Crises?
I thought that blue ribbon commission did a pretty good job with its 60 recommendations, but I haven’t seen much subsequent action, have you?
Topics: mortality, opioids, systems
Drug Prices: The Blame Game
As a former insurance VP once put it, you spend your day looking at spreadsheets, you forget there are real people out there depending on you.
Topics: prescription medications
Alcohol Tax Cut
…those users have fewer resources to pay for healthcare and legal problems that often result from more drinking. So who picks up the tab?
Topics: alcohol
The Epidemic Rolls On…
There are plenty of steps we could take, supported by research and common sense, that would produce measurable gains in a relatively short span.
Topics: epidemiology, mortality, opioids
Cannabusiness Update
The next big step would be the appearance of cannabis products, edible and perhaps smoked, on the shelves of large chain retailers and pharmacies.
Topics: cannabis
Revolving Cell Doors
In many communities, the push to get the drinker or user “off the street” has turned the jail into an unwilling detox facility.
Topics: criminal courts, systems
In the News: Big Pharma’s Addiction Profits
We watch and listen to Big Pharma execs on television and find ourselves thinking, are these guys so different from a street corner drug dealer?
Topics: opioids
America’s Drug Epidemic History
But the repair isn’t cheap, and the outcomes require some patience. And that’s why efforts often fail. America gives up too early.
Topics: consequences, epidemiology, mortality, opioids
In The News: 56 Recommendations and Nothing On
When he speaks, he reminds me of others I’ve known who come from families that fought and lost a battle with addictive disease.
Topics: opioids