In the News: Video Gambling

December 12, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

Psychologists say that for many the goal is simply to enter and remain in what’s called ‘the zone’

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In the News: Pot in Pueblo

December 5, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

Suddenly Pueblo finds itself facing problems typical of a much larger city.


In the News: Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis

November 21, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

It’s a good question and panicky medical pot vendors are already looking to sell at a profit before the market is dominated by big, well-capitalized firms chasing quick bucks.


Big Pharma vs. Big Pot

October 24, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

…in the midst of an epidemic, we’ve actually come up with a way to increase drug use.

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In the News: Adderall Angst

October 17, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

“I probably would have taken them anyway. I was really hoping for a chemical fix.”

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In the News (again… still…): Pill Mills

October 6, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

So-called “Dr. Feelgoods” have been around for as long as I can remember.

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Revisiting the Politics of Painkillers

September 26, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

Despite the collateral damage, Big Pharma seems determined to preserve the market for its products, through sophisticated lobbying.

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In the News: Kaos Around Kratom

September 19, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

It may be that kratom is a drug that some can use without much difficulty, while for others, it becomes pathological.

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Who’s to Blame?

August 29, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

We’re talking about legal responsibility now, and that can run far afield from conventional moral judgment.

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Trends in Cannabis Consumption

August 22, 2016 by C. Scott McMillin

One in three users reported daily or near-daily consumption, close to triple what it was in the early 1990’s.


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