Thinking About Addiction
Across the Spectrum of Policy, Practice, Research & Reality
A blog about anything related to addiction, treatment, or recovery, all the way from prevention to building recovery-friendly communities. We also welcome guest bloggers here!
Nature vs. Nurture Again
We can’t predict in advance which user will turn out to be in which category, and frankly, neither can they.
Topics: addiction and the brain, epidemiology, opioids, research
Secretary for Drug Crises?
I thought that blue ribbon commission did a pretty good job with its 60 recommendations, but I haven’t seen much subsequent action, have you?
Topics: mortality, opioids, systems
Drug Prices: The Blame Game
As a former insurance VP once put it, you spend your day looking at spreadsheets, you forget there are real people out there depending on you.
Topics: prescription medications
Alcohol Tax Cut
…those users have fewer resources to pay for healthcare and legal problems that often result from more drinking. So who picks up the tab?
Topics: alcohol
The Epidemic Rolls On…
There are plenty of steps we could take, supported by research and common sense, that would produce measurable gains in a relatively short span.
Topics: epidemiology, mortality, opioids
In the News: Return of the Gateway Theory
Addictions are complex. Considering the various risk factors, it’s likely that marijuana will appear to act as a gateway to harder drugs for some users, but not others.
Topics: cannabis, models of addiction, research
Cannabusiness Update
The next big step would be the appearance of cannabis products, edible and perhaps smoked, on the shelves of large chain retailers and pharmacies.
Topics: cannabis