Topic: health care
In the News: Medical Cannabis in PA
As has been the case in many states that have gone this route, it was the impassioned pleas of patients and family members that played a deciding role.
Topics: cannabis, health care
In the News: Notes from the Epidemic
It’s no accident (physicians) choose this often challenging work, and it genuinely bothers them when they can’t relieve a patient’s discomfort.
Topics: health care, opioids, physicians
Opioids for Pain Relief? It Depends…
The pharmaceutical industry, in spite of their immense resources, may not be the best candidate to come up with a solution.
Topics: health care, opioids, pain, physical effects
Doctors and Addiction
If by chance the patient didn’t fit the physician’s preconception of an addict– he or she was a respected member of the community, for example– then the doctor often fell into the enabler role.
Topics: barriers to recovery, getting help, health care, models of addiction, physicians
The FDA and Pediatric Oxycontin
Nobody knows exactly how extensive off label prescribing is, but estimates range from a fifth of all prescriptions written in the US, to a third if we just look at psychiatric meds.
Topics: adolescent addiction, health care, opioids, prescription medications
Medical Cannabis: A Review
It may alter the nature of society’s challenges, and move them to other sectors of the economy, but I expect we’ll continue to have difficulties.
Topics: cannabis, health care, risk factors
Pills, Pills, and More Pills
The increasing prevalence of polypharmacy is a concern due to the potential for adverse drug interactions but also because the use of multiple meds often results in a lower quality of life for the patient.
Topics: health care, prescription medications
The Pot Docs
If I walked into a physician’s office convinced I had had high blood pressure and he prescribed medication based solely on my belief without bothering with an assessment, that’d be malpractice.
Topics: cannabis, health care
Addiction Treatment via US Healthcare System: The Downside
The reality is that if we’d had to rely solely on the healthcare system, a lot of people who are in recovery today would simply never have made it.
Topics: alcoholism, health care